
dxy goes looking for 120

We must have capital forecasts in the currencies of non-dollarized countries. because they are going to be crushed by the slowdown in demand that the Fed intends to create through the stimulus cut. Although this theory has been proven for decades, a representative fact is ignored, which is the factor of decrease in rates as a function of time, which suggests that in the current state the interest rate has risen more than 1000% in a short time. weather. something unprecedented in history, which suggests that the real effects on the degree of indebtedness and the proportion of this against income.Which is something unprecedented in history, which suggests that the real effects on the degree of indebtedness and the proportion of this against income, for which the initial interest of a variable debt exceeds in more than 7 times the original interest . If there is a large amount of notional debt (such as that of the countries) denominated in dollars, it could increase the debt in terms of its domestic currency and this, in turn, would generate additional inflationary pressures due to possible debt monetization processes.
Finally, I will link the latter to the effect that it will have directly on the dollar, since being so strong prevents exports from being competitive and strongly increases the degree of risk aversion of these interests. the Fed cannot continue with its policy without resulting in a social unrest in the united states, so we expect to see a tapering off of rate hikes in february, this will lead to sideways rallies in the market, but a rally in currencies the countries that have suffered the most with their currencies such as the cop, eur, gbp. stay tuned for level 120 in the dxy, the parabola has been going on for more than 1 year
Finally, I will link the latter to the direct effect it will have on the dollar, since being so strong prevents exports from being competitive and strongly increases the degree of risk aversion of these interests. the fed cannot continue with its policy without resulting in a social unrest in the united states so we expect to see rate hikes taper off in february this will lead to sideways rallies in the market but a rally in currencies the countries that have suffered the most with their currencies such as the cop, eur, gbp. be attentive to level 120 in the dxy, the parable has been more than 1 year.

Debemos tener previsiones de capital en las monedas de los paìses no dolarizados. pues van a ser aplastados por la desaceleración de la demanda que pretende crear la Fed a través del corte de estímulos. si bien esta teoría se a comprobado por décadas se ignora un hecho representativo que es el factor de decrecimiento de las tasas en función del tiempo, lo cual nos sugiere que en el actual estado se han subido mas de 1000% el tipo de interés en poco tiempo. Lo cual es Algo inédito en la historia, lo que nos sugiere que los efectos reales sobre el grado de endeudamiento y la proporción de este frente al ingreso, por lo cual el interés inicial de una deuda variable supera en mas de 7 veces el interés original. si existe gran cantidad de deuda nocional ( como la de los paises) denominada en dólares, podría incrementar la deuda en términos de su moneda interna y a su vez esto generara presiones inflacionarias adicionales debido a posibles procesos de monetización de la deuda.
Finalmente enlazare esto ultimo al efecto que tendrá directo sobre el dólar, pues al estar tan fortalecido impide que las exportaciones puedan ser competitivas y aumenta fuertemente el grado de aversión al riesgo estos intereses. la Fed no puede continuar con su política sin que resulte en un estallido social en estados unidos, así que esperamos ver una disminución de las subidas de tipo en febrero, esto llevara a rallies lateralizados en el mercado, pero a un repunte de las monedas de los paises que mas han sufrido con sus monedas como el cop, eur, gbp. Estén atentos al nivel 120 en el dxy, la parábola lleva mas de 1 año.

