
$DXY Dollar going to 120, to 160ish, down to 68 long term

Descending wedge over time represents the loose money policies we haven't been able to shake off since going off the gold standard which pushed us into an expansionary economy whose currency became the world reserve currency which energy was priced in (dollars). Now that the expansion has grown to trillions in debt (quadrillions in some currencies) - the only thing there is to do is pull a Great Reset.

Central bankers have to inflate their currencies away to avoid their debt bubbles -which means they print more money. You're probably saying to yourself, "Empty, the FED prints so MUCH money." And I would agree with you, but when you look at fact that Debt to GDP other countries are printing MORE than the FED, and all of them are weighing on the dollar because everyone uses it as a measure of standard. A TON of contracts around the world are priced in dollars because sellers don't want a local currency that could capsize and go lower compared to the almighty dollar which is represented by our economy, military and energy independence (when some dipstick isn't fucking with it and causing chaos). They call this system the Eurodollar system (see Jeff Snider and Emil on YT for more info). It is precisely this system that is blowing up behind the scenes. There is literally trillions of dollars in obligations that are tied to this system and when foreign currencies inflate and print because a loose dollar (inflationary) policy over time causes deflation in other currencies which forces them to print so that their economy doesn't grind to a halt.

Now that the dollar is rising out of the descending wedge, bounced several times on its median support - it's ready to break out. I anticipate higher rate hikes to control inflation (fuck the debt the FED doesn't care cause other countries are printing more and pushing the dollar up) - this will increase unemployment to 10-20% there will be a run to the dollar with asset sell offs (we are currently in a bounce before going much lower). Don't forget the FED is reactionary by nature. It will keep hiking till inflation is under control. How does he do that? By raising rates and stop buying MBS (mortgages).

CPI is mostly made up of housing/rent, food, energy and somewhat discretionary spending. You can't control energy when it's a supply problem via Ukraine and Russia while Brandon shuts things down to push a (secretly global communist) Green Agenda. So if energy increases costs of everything, that means food goes up. So that leaves housing with the only lever the FED can use to control the inflation numbers. He'll raise rates until unemployment goes up, housing grinds to a stall. In a deflationary economy inflation will be subdued and THEN having broken the economy but achieved it's mission they will pivot and cause the last of the last hyperinflationary crashes. That's when they will come out with UBI.

I anticipate the FED electronic currency going into affect after 2024-2026. If Trump gets in, it's a maybe, if a dem gets in, it's a definite. Another way to bring about a deflationary shock that pushes the dollar to 160 is if we have either a cyberpandemic that crushes our grid for a week (destroying our food chain in a final nail in the coffin after all the food processing centers burn down) - OR it's another pandemic but this time DEADLY. This would give the perfect opportunity to push for a contactless currency aka CASH BAN.

The rest of the world will already be on a social credit score system similar to China - all the leaders are in on it. Since they know the system will implode and they want to keep their necks and their employers (rich dynasty elites) want to keep their trillions of wealth they stole - they have to enact a bail-in of all the currencies before the adoption of the electronic currency attached to a social credit score. It'll destroy all currency values as they inflate away debt with negative interest rates. They want and NEED negative interest rates but can't achieve it without an electronic currency because then people would just take their money out of the banks and hoard it (hence the bank bailins).

If you're not American, your currency will hyperinflate away - immediately start buying physical gold and silver and start storing food. If you're American, hoard dollars and precious metals will go down - silver will be 12 and gold will be 1350ish, then you buy silver and gold and start storing food.

