古典以太坊 / 比特幣

Still plenty of time...

Two simple trendlines - Bottom of the channel is around 0.003140-0.003160. Looking at past trajectories, the top of the channel should be on the 3rd and around 0.003900+. Vertical blue line is around the time of the CLO airdrop.

If the crypto Gods are kind, bottom and bounce will be today. If I had to put a time on it I'd say from US open around midday UTC and no later than 1am UTC shortly after close of daily candle. My expectation is nearer the first than the second. But it's a nice 13 hour window... because I'm a noob!

Disclaimer:- Just some random dude on the internet saying what he thinks. You'd have to be nuts to take this as worth paying attention to without having had a serious go with #dyor! Your actions are your responsibility.

