古典以太坊 / 比特幣

Fundamentals Still Looking Great; More Precise Breakout Lines...

The fundamentals Still Looking Great for ETC. EVEN with the price of BTC going up in USD; ETC is keeping up in USD. Which is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET.

There is something DIFFERENT about ETC that MUST be considered in comparison to ETH in terms of TRADING. Most everyone in the beginning was GIVEN ETC before it was trading. Y'all know why...

Which means, we have many more traders holding ETC. The composite man may play this one safer like he is with ZEC. We're not seeing serious UP THRUST with this one like we are seeing with ETH, XMR and BTC.

I'm still very BULLISH on ETC like the other coins I have published. It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

We are more than like going up quite a bit more [In terms of LONG position on the Weekly] because the Composite Man already has a lot of ETC that was GIVEN to him to match the same amount of ETH he has/had. I believe he's itching to take some profits. Yet, he has to play this one smart.

Yet, based on my thoughts on this one at current price in terms of a Weekly position is, PRICE DOWN PICK UP !!! youtube.com/watch?v=lEBP9dpVM70
A look at the 12h. Weekly coming up next...

This current accumulation channel has moved obviously:

It has shifting to the upside a little. I'm sure swing traders noticed... But just in case:


