EURUSD Feb 25 Expanded rules and learning from todays trade

Feb 25

London session Macro

What I learned today.
All major factors for a clean trade must be there.

-Price did not take previous days liquidity in a equal high/low. Its a higher risk and wasted mental capital.
-No trading around the 50 level
-No trading in the consolidation cycle or high resistance pattern
-Study every session for patterns and possible set up to be created
-Do not trade if I am hung over as was this morning! New rule
-Be ok not trading every day, or come back to the next session and evaluate if your set up is there.
-Ensure your fib is correct as well, I think I had it a bit off.

I do appreciate learning from todays mistakes.
Money is made in the lessons I learn and the discipline to follow through on your rules and boundaries.

Keep going!

