i dont use any trendlines i love these Boxes and the Narrative of Trading .... every Trade has a Story... you need to know the Story of the trade to Trade it.... this Narrative has Three green boxes to smash then it head South... But its BEEN Perfect Algorithm its clearly not random..i call it the Biometric Haptic Serge .. YOU are BIG reason the market move the way it moves... it moves off you sentiments, your emotions the market is a Living System built off the Consciousness of Man, knowing man and his behavior is Key in unlocking the Haptic Serge the market makes... Wonder why Psychology is so important in execution of trades....its because the way you See the Trade is apart of YOU... you must Disconnect yourself with Rituals and Rules to rethink what Trading is... and when you Do Trading Seems Magical.. Seems you are Controlling the Market.. and YOU CAN and WILL to the PIP! many times you will be PERFECT! but you will have growing pains reaching this attitude.... Great Trading Family.... GTF!!