Meta Platforms

FACEBOOK @ 30 min. Chart @ Basic formation & lines after Brexodu

Basic triangle-formation after Brexodus,
`cause on the referendum the share created a temporarly low.

131.96 (2016-09-07): (d) new alltime high - after old alltime (b) before
128.31 (2016-07-28): (b) 2nd high after consolidation after complete trend-reversal-formation (while brexodus)
127.95 (2016-09-23): Friday (last trading) Closed
123.06 (2016-07-21): (c) 3rd low beetwen (a) & (b) in august
119.31 (2016-08-24): (a) 1st low after consolidation after complete trend-reversal-formation (while brexodus)

128.60 (2016-09-23): (bad news)
127.95 (2016-09-23): Friday (last trading) Closed
127.32 (2016-09-23): (bad news)

if facebook climb back above 128.31 (b) the next move could be in october to new alltim ehighs - even above 131.96 (d) at least.

Short-term bears are in town also

131.96 (2016-09-07): (1) last alltime high
130.71 (2016-09-09): (2) 1st temproarly low after alltime high
127.95 (2016-09-23): Friday (last trading) Closed
125.74 (2016-09-22): (3) 1st high - even after temporarly low

if facebook is etablishing a downside trend, the share could fall until 130.71 (2) at least.

but at 1st facebook should breakUP/DOWN at first
- to etablish something like a trend to the UP/DOWN side ...

129.94 (2016-09-06): resistance trendline - temporarly high
129.92 (2016-09-09): resistance trendline - temporarly high
129.91 (2016-09-16): resistance trendline - temporarly high

129.06 (2016-09-15): resistance trendline - temporarly high
129.18 (2016-09-16): resistance trendline - temporarly high
129.35 (2016-09-21): resistance trendline - temporarly high

128.98 (2016-09-23): 1 Week SMA
127.95 (2016-09-23): Friday (last trading) Closed
127.87 (2016-09-23): 4 Week SMA

126.83 (2016-09-02): support trendline - temporarly low
126.72 (2016-08-29): support trendline - temporarly low
126.65 (2016-09-13): support trendline - temporarly low
126.07 (2016-08-09): support trendline - temporarly low
125.03 (2016-08-31): support trendline - temporarly low

Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your choice ...

Best regards

