
Powerful Daily Affirmations to Transform Your Trading 教育

British Pound/Japanese YenFXCM


Powerful Daily Affirmations to Transform Your Trading

Daily affirmations are a widely practised method for attaining success and accelerating your ability to achieve goals.

The following affirmations are not stated for a sudden spark of inspiration, I want you all to take action and keep this positivity flowing throughout your entire trading journey.

I want you to write them down, pin them to your wall or print them off right now... Make sure you place them somewhere in view of your trading desk and read them every single day.

1. I believe in my trading strategy.
2. I naturally make smart investments.
3. I am not emotionally affected by my profits or losses.
4. I have a very healthy relationship with money, I treat money with respect and handle it with confidence.
5. I will do whatever it takes to reach my objectives, my goals and my vision.
6. I will only take trades that give me a reward which clearly outweighs my risk.
7. I will surround myself with successful, positive people.
8. My finances are always in order, I am always in control of my spending.
9. I invest in my trading education and in myself.
10. I will only trade what I understand, and won't allow anyone to manipulate my trading beliefs.

If you want to become a successful investor, you need to change your way of thinking.

What are your daily affirmations? Leave a comment below.
@LewisGlasgow This is some powerful stuff indeed. Some people underestimate the power of self-tune up.
@FoggyLights, thank you! I couldn't agree more, people need to start working on themselves before the charts.
Let go of the thing you can't control, control only what you can and in this case is risk, what we can do is control the risk; take care of the risk and let the profit run itself.
@Virak, yes indeed, this is very important! Thanks for sharing.
ty man
@mehdisdt, you're welcome!
why would someone needs to remind himself the obvious? people nowadays forget how to breath so easily?
@burrr, because it is important to not forget "THE OBVIOUS". And we do forget the obvious and its simplicity when we get all caught up and fail to "BREATH SO EASILY". We need a reminder and that is what THIS is. A lot of traders, young and old think that all you need is a strategy that works and the rest will fall into place... Well history has proven that belief to be false and the beginning of long-term failure. We need such daily reminders to stay sane and make smart decisions. Besides, lots of great and successful people owe a huge part of their success to affirmations and daily reminders in time when they were frustrated and at the brink of giving up so... perhaps there is something about them that really works that people with your mentality (no offense) can't seem to fathom??... Just saying. Remember, a strategy only works until it doesn't.
@albertokundaye5, do you know what I love? Traders just like yourself, keep everything simple and remember what is important... And ones who answer questions for me ;) thank you for the support!