Based on the daily chart for GRASSUSDT on Bybit, here's a concise analysis:
MLR vs. SMA: The MLR (blue) is above the SMA (pink), indicating a bullish trend. MLR vs. BB Center: The MLR is above the BB Center Line (orange), suggesting bullish momentum. PSAR: The PSAR dots (black) are under the price, confirming a bullish trend. Exception: There is no 200-period SMA available to guide us on the long-term trend, so proceed with caution.
Current Strategy: Since all entry conditions for a long position are met (MLR above SMA, MLR above BB Center, PSAR under price), you might consider entering a long position.
Stop Loss (SL): Set the stop loss at the current level of the PSAR dots to manage risk. Monitor My Idea: Keep monitoring my idea for any changes in trend or for potential profit-taking opportunities.