
A View Of professional Out Look

You must have seen so many writing meaning less or showing a meaning less trend line in varied time frame and must have explained you how smart they are

the facts are far away form them ,

The outlook i am presenting here is of Monthly time frame , So its still due to close and at the time of its close we can confirm the Completion of Trend termination

This is very interesting chart so i have put up here , Usually i dont decorate the charts by labeling it , here you can see impulse wave 3 ( Primary) have extended itself

in sub-wave 5 , the extension usually occur in wave 3 in stocks and wave 5 in Commodity

Very interestingly the current pause or pre-defined trend termination has occurred just at the previous wave 4 of one degree lesser

Now internal of wave 4 is yet complete by confirming the termination of the sharp correction ,

One can wait for this monthly close and look for better entry set up

Good luck to you and all of those who called them self as wave analyst ,
Well one thing you can learn form this post , is having a proper knowledge can Yield you Good income

I must have repeated this statement more than 100 of time , but its true ,
When you follow some one check how many of their post actually make to target or nearest to target , You will understand soon empty vessel makes noise ,

I have seen at least 4000 Tweeter Pundits who claim various system works but i never saw their balance sheet , if they are so Good in tweeting their success why dont they produce their balance sheet

People wake up now , its high time that you should start learning and You should start looking for better results in your trading income

This scrip is moving up for Next Impulse leg of Primary leg wave 5

Good luck

