Comparative Analysis: Correlation DX with #USDJPY #ETF #Ni225

A Classic example applied in today's market condition between the USDJPY ccy pair, an ETF tracking the Nikkei 225 equity index. Where liquidity, a passive income ETF asset allocation are rolled into an effective strategy. Don not discount that there will always be bumps along the way.

On the other hand, much of our selective ETFs on equities including our DX futures contracts carry over towards the coming 2017 year have performed well above our expectations. One particular ETF (HEWJ) and the NK225 turn around prior to the USDJPY continuing market signal that registered a remarkable comeback to the 105.50 level prior to today's closing for the month was a welcome treat.

Comparative Analysis prominent DXY: 快照
DXYetfsJapan 225USDJPY

