
ITD Cementation - going get good now?


Is it a good time to invest in ITD Cementation?
Knowing when to exit and re-enter the market is crucial to navigating it successfully. A great way to illustrate this concept is by using a clear example of ITD cementation.

Disclosure: I have invested and want to share it for educational purposes.
Going super strong ,

I don't have any specific expectations except for when I decide to close the trade. However, it's important to check the stock's performance in the last cycle to ensure a 10x return.
✅The results have been excellent.

Disclaimer: I am currently invested and have 80% remaining at another key level.
🚀🚀🚀 blasted off

now can't add more unfortunately

disc:invested ,80% position
Setting up nicely , adding new trance

already been doing trading couple of times..

focus on what you own rather finding new ideas

disc: Invested , do you own research
#ITDCementation Rs 161 to Rs 241 non top 🚀🚀⤵️
Check the technical analysis works with investing knowledge ...

Another Chandrayaan 3 will be launched, or it will go to the sun. 🌞

Do your own research before investing. Invested

#trading #investing #pwinvest
started off week nicely above the box....
disc: invested , added small trance today
100% up from last way up on monthly chart looking extended
weekly chart coming out base formation

trading and invested both during this journey

disc: Invested , added more
no recommendation
I follow peaceful weekend investing for life long peaceful investing approach
powerful 🚀🚀
got order of 1000+ Cr , look the company market cap
amazing tailwind
now focus will follow up price action
company execution capabilities

disc: Invested
From a modest ₹161.70 to a soaring ₹374.95 in under a year – that's a phenomenal journey, not just in terms of returns, but the journey was also very peaceful.

Disclosure: Currently holding and have traded a few times. I don't have a recommendation.

#ITDCementation #MarketMovers #InvestmentJourney #pwinvest

Join me on Twitter @bhatiashivendra to stay updated on my thoughts and insights on stocks, financial assets, and markets. I focus on research-based analysis and avoid hype. As an experienced investor in a diverse range of assets, I invite you to conduct
