
When trend reverses how much pull back possible according to me

Started in 2004 with price of 13, from 04-15 it has a high of 99rs.

From jun,16 it rallied at make a new high of 117 and again it return back to 27rs level in feb,19.

From may 20 to mar 22 it showed good rally from 30rs to 200rs. But a sharp fall seen in july 22 and it make low point of 100rs.

Aug 22 again show a huge rally from 100rs to 300rs till june 23. It was a rapid and steep increase.

Now during the latest trend lot of orders are not fulfilled or lot of people has a emotions to buy at a lower range. When it started falling, people those who missed out may buy at different levels which gives proper liquidity to sellers and a huge fall may be seen as it reversed.

