A 3 Mountain Buddha Top with highs of 27.88, 29.81, and 29.03 transpired from June2 to Aug 2 in which the market backed off from a high three times. A small fry pan bottom took place shortly after but did not last long when a bearish counter attack took place on 8/12; the four bearish days followed are called Shi (death in Japanese). Doomsday was Sept.1 in which key investors were freed to sell shares for the first time since it went public creating a 19% drop, a gift for the bulls. Consolidation occurred for the next two weeks. From 9/16-9/17 there was a high price gapping play where the security traded from a close of 21.17 on the 16th to a sweet ass gap up to 22.42 on the open the next day. Will Monday's rollout do a repeat play from Feb16 where the security traded from a low of 36.52 to a high of $55, or better yet when it traded 2 days later at a low of 55.55 to a high of 64.86? Volume traded on 2/16 was 96.8mil and 76.98mil on the 18th, as to yesterday's bullish volume was approximately 114.8mil. Will LCID Bulls be 3x lucky? With using no other indicators, I believe LCID will trade between 25.41 and 27.33 the next few days. GLTA