
Classic Pattern of Edward & Magee stair cast Price action

One of the 19 th century Famous Stock Market analyst , Robert D Edward and Joan Megee have made some

discovery in their analysis and they wrote book and article about it , they specifically identified method of price movement as

stair case Stepping , the move is self explainable, if you find the book in Google search for Download you can take time to read it

its having one of the most basic Foundation of identifying the trend and methods to follow ,

In this scrip also I am looking the same pattern repeating , stair case type moves in the price action

R N Elliott also explained in his view that these moves are extensions of Ongoing trend , Elliott did refer as one of the 3 waves i.e

Wave 1 , Wave 3 , Wave 5 , one of it will have extension in it during formation of Nonaggressive Impulse structure

We can also expect the wave 4 to terminate at or near the Top line of Channel

Tats all Friends Good luck
book your holding or put the stop to cost so that you no need to worry on your holdings

