Today I started out thinking I was going to day trade, but to be honest. Fuck it. I don't have time to sit here all day and monitor a screen.

Judging by the recent High , Low, and Avg. price - I went ahead and used Marquis Trill's chart on best times to buy LTC. I've recently began using his charts and after spending hours cross referencing his buy In times to different coins, his algorithms are almost always on point. Granted, i'm still a beginner myself, but if you'd like to gain access to knowledge on the best times to buy on Binance then I'd highly suggest signing up to his Patreon Group.

Link --->

Anyways, I started my buy In @ 23UTC and I plan on hodl until LTC reaches .018 from my initial buy In @ .16786 and getting the +31% Gainz. If you're new like me, start small and build yourself up. In this game, throwing under $100 here and there can be used as a great learning tool as opposed to draining your life savings.

I personally have felt 100% more confidant after doing general research on coins and learning from Marquis Trill's methods. If you have any tips or tricks you use when buying invisible coins feel free to COMMENT! :)
