Slow, Steady Growth in 2018 w/ Tech + China (PT: $183)

It looks and feels like MCD will be hovering/consolidating around the $160 mark until more news comes in to spurt growth back into the $170 range. No major recovery from February has really taken place, even with the last quarter beats. Death Cross?

As a company embracing more technology, initiatives have already been taken in the first half to help grow the second half. Operations initiatives will be updated as more upgrades happen and the China refranchising will also be concluded. I think it will be slow, but steady going the rest of the year for MCD, but it's a long term stock for a lot of people, so accumulate around $156 and below when possible.

Previous ranges show a characteristic "top" to where the stock will head and wait for the next big thing. It's not much higher at $183 than the all time high this year of $178.70. Hence, why the growth is slow, but steady back up to where it was. MCD is a great value, with a great brand worldwide that won't go away anytime soon.
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