SP500 to 4200 by 4/20

When twitter starts posting VIX charts, you know its time to buckle up for them to scream "GolDen AgE oF AsSeT BubBlEs" when the market, against all the social media narratives, rips shorts to shreds.

"ArCHEgOs iS goNnA buRsT tHiS BuBBle" -> /es runs to 4k+ instantly

No, this is not the 2001 Tech Bubble.

4104 is top line resistance. If hit, we'll have a small pullback (4050-4060 floor). I estimate the pullback to last approx till 4/14-4/15. Option expiration and after -> Insane melt-up coming.

Never short a dull market.

This is not financial advice.

