Company is almost debt free. Company has delivered good profit growth of 20.99% CAGR over last 5 years Company has a good return on equity (ROE) track record: 3 Years ROE 29.58% Company has been maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 36.52% The company has shown a good revenue growth of 18.95% for the Past 3 years. Company has a healthy Interest coverage ratio of 29.12. The Company has been maintaining an effective average operating margins of 28.06% in the last 5 years. Company’s PEG ratio is 0.91. The company has an efficient Cash Conversion Cycle of 0.17 days. Company has a healthy liquidity position with current ratio of 3.07
TRADE OR INVEST wisely. WE CAN JUST PREDICT. Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor , so before entering on my view plz ask your SEBI Registered Advisor . Profit is your and loss is your.