On Wednesday Jake will share a Seasonal Trade with a 84.8% Win Rate.
Jake Bernstein will be a contributor on TradingView when Bactesting/Strategies are released. Jake is one of the Top Trading System Developers in the world with 45+ years experience and he is going to teach how to create Trading Systems and how to Optimize the correct way.
This is an Example of a Seasonal Trades Package that Jake will be releasing on TradingView.com
Symbol: MO
Dates: Buy on Close 4/13/2015 Sell On Close 4/30/2015
Stop = 12%
P/L Ratio = 5.5 # Years = 44 Wins = 36 Losses = 8 % Wins 81.8 % Avg Profit = 13.37% % Avg Loss = 11.65