Nifty 50指數

Nifty -50 trend and Levels expecting on 19-01-22 trading day

The Supports and resistances levels are given bellow. The option and F&O traders may take or exit their position according to the market act either sustained or breakout of these levels.
Be patiently and watched these levels and take or exit position , it will give good result.
In chare manually drawn line are Pivot levels
Nifty 50- Supports levels
pivot– 18015.65, 17918.25 &17750.6
Fib Retrs- 18100.55,18015.15 &17877.05
Nifty 50- Resistances levels
pivot– 18280.70, 18448.35 & 18545.75
Fib Retrs- 181169.6,18238.6518336.95
Safe trade – All the best.

