On Friday, Nifty opened on a positive note but witnessed significant volatility. It initially dipped to a low of 23,102.90, finding support at the 5m Demand Zone highlighted in the previous analysis. It then rallied to a day high of 23,347.30, nearing the 5m Supply Zone, before retreating sharply to a new day low of 23,050. The index closed at 23,092.20, losing 113 points from the previous close. The Weekly Trend (50 SMA) remains sideways, while the Daily Trend (50 SMA) stays negative.
Demand/Support Zones
Near Minor Demand/Support Zone (15m): 22,986 - 23,029.55
Far Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 21,791.95 - 22,910.15
Supply/Resistance Zones
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 23,288.75 - 23,331.30
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (5m): 23,349.20 - 23,421.25
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 23,496.15 - 23,795.20
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (75m): 23,645.05 - 23,726.85
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 23,976 - 24,196.45
This marks the second consecutive week where Nifty closed below the critical June 2024 election week levels, signaling sustained selling pressure. Unless Nifty finds strong support in the 22,800–23,000 zone, further downside could be expected in the coming weeks.
On the upside, major resistance lies at 23,400–23,800. A breakout above this range might indicate the start of a bullish trend. However, with the Union Budget 2025 on the horizon, caution is advised, as market volatility could spike.