On Tuesday, Nifty opened 17 points higher, reached a high of 24,882, but faced heavy selling pressure, dropping nearly 430 points to hit a low of 24,445.80. It closed at 24,472.10, losing 309 points from the previous session. The Weekly Trend (50 SMA) has shifted to sideways from positive, while the Daily Trend (50 SMA) remains negative. Notably, Nifty broke and closed below the previous month's low, signaling potential further downside.
Nifty Demand/Support Zones for 23.10.2024:
Near Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 24,099.70 - 24,196.50
Near Demand/Support Zone (Weekly): 23,893.70 - 24,419.75
Far Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 23,350 - 23,667.10
Nifty Supply/Resistance Zones for 23.10.2024:
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (75m): 24,636.75 - 24,741.45
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 24,798.95 - 24,882
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,195.85 - 25,234.05
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,420 - 25,485.05
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,500.95 - 25,545