// Observation based on Monthly ATR //
1. Monthly ATR = 1200 Points
(Almost Done for July, except for the previous
month's high (16,794) must be taken out first
to maintain H-H | H-L.
This way monthly high is more likely to
happen in the last week of July) 17,135 /??/
2. Yearly Open = 17,487 (Say 17,500)
3. If we expect H-H | H-L to happen next month
and to revisit yearly open, NIFTY will have to
visit 16,200-16,300 (Approx) as low in August.
4. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button would
then be - Which will get hit first. 17,500 or
16,300 //?//
5. 65EMA exists at 16,200