Nifty 50指數


hi friends good morning...... i m telling here something about trading..... how we got sucess.... and why we become looser........
so friends here most of big analisist and big inteligent person give lacture about trading and how to overcome of fear and greed etc all..... they all giving just lacture.....doing big big talking..... no one share them secreat of trading......
so first of all stop wasting time for knowing master stretegy from master..... see they never share secreat which they use in trading ok......
2nd step try to find out some good stretegy from google and youtube .... and all other technical materials...... study all that basic thing......
3rd is try to find out which stretegy or indicator or factor suite for you......... and then try to make ur own stretegy...... and follow that only..... see every person is not same all diff nature..... dont waste time for every time new things..... see life id dependent on trading who is full trader... so every time we use diff thing..... that is very risky for money..... so whatever you stretegy you make that follow by own confidence......
4rth thing belive own self...... never see that wt is doing other trader..... ok .... if you see wt is other doing then that is just wasting time...... and you got lots of confustion....
5th always beliive thing comming are the best trader of the wolrd ..... so no nagative thing comming in ur mind..... if no nagative thing comming in ur mind then no fear comming...... so ur trade going smothly and you are save ur self from taking bad decition ......
6th is after trade make own trg... and when that comming book profit.... in marcket profit booking is must..... prfit is profit...small or big its ok... matter is that importnat .... we are not going to loss...
thanks a lot have a good day...... hope may be anyone like my thinking.......
har har mahadev .....shiv shambhoo......

