Date NIFTY LTP, Equation, Inferance ,Action
8-Sep-20 11318
9-Sep-20 11334.15
10-Sep-20 11476
11-Sep-20 11475.25
14-Sep-20 11445.55
15-Sep-20 11548 Y= 74.22179x -4.54821x2+ 11,242.03000 Inverted U shape Coming Down
16-Sep-20 11628.9 Y= 40.94107x + 0.81964x2 +11,280.67857 Increasing Moving UP
17-Sep-20 11547.9 y = 73.83065x -3.87887x2+ 11,238.39196 Inverted U shape Coming Down/Trend changed to DOWN
18-Sep-20 11533.7 y = 86.82580x -5.54491x2 + 11,220.06548 Inverted U shape Observe increase in B1 and decrease in B2 Down trend
21-Sep-20 11240.55 Y= 144.14913x -12.21042x2+ 11,132.08083 Inverted U shape Observe increase in B1 and decrease in B2 Down trend
22-Sep-20 11196.9 Y= 151.27486x -12.96847x2 + 11,120.25515 Inverted U shape Observe increase in B1 and decrease in B2 Down trend
23-Sep-20 11162 Y= 138.11761x -11.67855x2 + 11,143.73182 Down trend
26-Sep-20 10840 Y= 153.29838x -13.05862x2 + 11,114.75035 Down trend
27-Sep-20 11031.9 Y= - 193.71250x+ 10.75893x2 + 11,781.52143 U Shaped Data UPTrend
28-Sep-20 11242.5 Y= -287.66042x +24.18006x2+ 11,902.31161 U Shaped Data UPTrend