On Monday, Nifty opened negative, made an initial high of 24781.25 but slipped to a low of 24601.75 during the session. It closed at 24668.25, losing 100 points over the previous close. The Weekly Trend (50 SMA) remains sideways, while the Daily Trend (50 SMA) continues to be positive.
Demand/Support Zones
Near Demand/Support Zone (15m): 24180.80 - 24342.50
Near Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 23927.15 - 24188.45 (tested)
Far Demand/Support Zone (75m): 23447.15 - 23578.60
Supply/Resistance Zones
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (Weekly): 24567.65 - 25234.05 (Current price inside the zone)
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 25739.20 - 25907.60
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 26151.40 - 26277.35