Nifty 50指數

Simple NIFTY Mechanical Trading System


Nifty has a great affinity towards multiples of 360 based on AI analysis.

1. BUY when NIFTY Closes above multiples of 360 Ex: Close 14423 (40*360) With a SL of 14400-180=14220
2. When NIFTY closes above next multiple of 360 ie,14760 Move the SL to 14580
3. If the SL is hit any day in Intraday Exit LONG and Enter SHORT if NIFTY moves below 14400 ( ie 14400 )
or GO long again if NIFTY closes 14760. Use a GTT order to exit and no need to track markets
4.Say NIFTY Closes below 14400 say 14389 go SHORT with a SL as 14580.
5. We are only moving along with trend here and not predicting any trend as
6. This may not give good catches on small down moves but surely helps in exiting Crashes and stay with long for longer period by reducing noise.
7. Interested People can do a back test and see the results

When I compare Nifty data with Saturn angle I get a strong correlation for certain period and then it goes back to return again . This correlation is cyclic at multiples of 360 .I ran affinity analysis of numbers for 360 to validate and found good affinity so gave the insight for people to explore.

