NIO Inc.

50 has been always a critical level of NIO

At this price, NIO's market cap is 81 billion dollars, which ranks NIO 7th among all the Automakers in the world..!
Yes, you must be shocked, NIO above BMW, Ford, Honda, Ferrari..!
This will be corrected by time..! I'm 99.99% confident..!
This company has produced 102,803 cars so far! (As of 30th April 2021)
All the bubbles are temporary..!
Typically, a bubble is created by a surge in asset prices that is driven by exuberant market behavior. During a bubble, assets typically trade at a price, or within a price range, that greatly exceeds the asset's intrinsic value (the price does not align with the fundamentals of the asset).
You know nothing about my opinion trading strategy, I have shorted NIO when it was 34, and close the trade with 120% in 24 hours..!
I do not short the stock itself..! And I do not keep any contract more than 72 hours!
And I close any contract with + 100% in 24 hours or less..!
Unfortunately there is no feature I can share the evidence here..!
weekly chart shows what you cant see..!
10k TradingView coins challenge!
Time to say hello to all the slaughtered pigs..!
Check and mate..!
where are you guys???
os sorry do not want to disturb you during the blood bath, enjoy it..!

