Origin Protocol - Waking UP?

OGN is another kind of an older coin i use to trade even before it had a USDT pair on binance.

They offer some DEFI products

Super OETH
Liquid Staking from L1 + Compounded Rewards on L2
Earn better ETH yield with Super OETH, the first Supercharged LST that earns L2 incentives on top of Beacon Chain staking rewards.

Origin Ether
Stake ETH, Stay Liquid, Earn Superior Yield
Stake any amount of ETH and receive equivalent Origin Ether. Use OETH cross-chain across DeFi to compound returns, while still earning staking yield.

Origin Dollar
Compound USD Returns Seamlessly
Earn superior stablecoin yield while retaining full capital control with Origin Dollar. Watch your OUSD balance grow with automatic reward distribution and zero lockups.

Origin ARM
Minimum risk,
better yield than LSTs
Start earning passively in our stETH Redemption Vault

