Global price of Copper

Prediction of Copper prices till 2028

Using data from 2001 I identified 3 distinct commodity cycles. After measuring the length and amplitude of the cycles I averaged them to get average cycle length, average cycle difference in high to low price, and average cycle difference in low1 to low2 price. Using this data I created ratios for difference in high to low price/Time and the difference in Low1 to Low2 price/Time and vice versa. Using these ratios I then predicted the next cycle low which came out to be around march of 2026 and falling to $6,237.24 per metric ton of copper. I then used the ratio of the difference in high to low price/Time to determine where prices will be in 2028 which would be 692 days from the previous cycle's end. This came out to be $7879.74 per metric ton of copper.
This was for a school project in regards to Barrick Gold's mining endeavor in Pakistan

