PDD Holdings Inc.

Pinduoduo Inc 2021 Prediction

E-commerce in China statistics:

Revenue in the eCommerce market is projected to reach US$1,260,539m in 2021.
Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2021-2025) of 6.7%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$1,635,804m by 2025.
The market's largest segment is Fashion with a projected market volume of US$330,633m in 2021.

Competes with Alibaba a bigger but in my opinion less social E-commerce giant.

Pinduoduo found room in e-commerce, not as a competitor to search-based websites like JD, but as a new e-commerce platform focused on interactive and social shopping experiences online. Social shopping may seem like a new concept, but the reality is that in the physical world, shopping is meant to be “interactive and fun”

Final Thoughts: China is experiencing a large volume of growth in the fashion market. This is heavily influenced by social factors. Potentially making PDD a better fit than BABA.

