Buy PPLT, bcause its cheap , Gold is rising , PPLT can reach 900, and then 1000 in a catch up raly as fiht to safty intesefies. ( merging DB CB, yea like two piles of detritus makes for a beter pile of detritus ) Brexit, Social concessions in Itally, france, ECB tightenning. Daragi leaving. . . Better metal. . .
As for the 'abolas: price bounced off Light Blue, a local 'abola, nice. The jag, at 800 is back on or over the long trend Solid Red . This implies extending the Light blue "'abola and seeing how and hen it intersects extablished curves.
The interesting change is the all green volume plot. Is this institutional ? May be. Thats a whole lot og buy ing nes . But heck, who did undertand why the price droped below Solid red, when all curves indicated a continued rise.