This is a personal note to myself.
It's okay to be proud and happy of your accomplishments - whether in life or in trading. You should be. You are doing things that many others would not.
You are playing the world's greatest game - Speculation. As such, on the times when you win, it's okay to pat yourself on the back.
Some things you have to be careful with is overly exciting yourself and rewarding yourself after a win.
Win or loss, the reward is you following the plan, not the number that appears in your trading history. The bigger the number, the bigger excitement right? Isn't this why we got into trading in the first place? For the flashing lights, glitz and glamour? Wrong.
Those may be the reasons we got into this industry in the first place but your stay here is guaranteed to be short lived if you want to continue trading the markets so you can feel better about yourself.
This game is full of savages and cutthroats. Only the most levelheaded ones stay alive.
So be proud of following your process, even if it's a loss. Be proud of following your plan, not only when it wins.