• Mixed signals -> large caps seem like they are just starting a new uptrend while small caps are looking the worst in a while • Breakouts overall still don't seem to work, EPs are probably better and pullback buys, though I haven't seen much traction (nor do I have much experience in those tbh) • Given I'm in a large drawdown since December, I'm doing some research and realized a few things: • I'm not adjusting my risk $ and position sizing in bad market times • I don't take into consideration my streak of gains/losses to determine how aggressive I should be • I have FOMO and prefer to enter trades than miss out on them • However, the above is only true for new trades, because I do have a fear of re-entering trades where I got shaken out, which are many times massive winners. I already have a long list of these names where I got shaken out only to miss the biggest moves. Interestingly with some names I did it correclty like with SOUN, by re-entering a little higher after getting shaken out. • It's probably because I'm rarely aware of what I'm buying and how the stock could benefit from the market environment and leading themes. • In general I fail to identify leading themes and sectors