Roku, Inc.

Roku moving down again?

Roku, in my opinion, has no competitive advantage. They simply stream other "people's" content. It is my opinion that they cannot sustain such high valuation. They are competing against the likes of Amazon... that's never good for any company. The Fire Stick (Amazon), and the Google Chromecast are other streaming providers that could swallow Roku whole if they so choose. Just my opinion.
Well, it figures I would publish a nenative analysis of Roku on the same day they announce a partnership with Walmart. However, long-term I am still bearish on them. They have no competitive advantage... all they do is stream other people's content. Amazon andGoogle do the same thing. Roku has no diversification. Remember what people said about Netflix a few years ago? They said it was going to the moon. Fast forward to today, and all they're saying is Netflix has fierce competition. I see a similar fate for Roku. Just my opinion.

