Ross Stores, Inc.

5/23/24 - $rost - a +ve EPS setup, but watching from parking lot

5/23/24 - vrockstar - ROST - a good play on affordability like COST BJ (which reported good #s in this AM) and then we even see semi-discretionary stuff that's still discretionary makeup (ELF) doing fine. it's the pricey and let's wait category (or let's finance it category too) that are suffering the shoot-stock-first-figure-out-where-the-bottom-is-later. i'd post that 22x PE on this, positive growth, albeit MSD, and 4-5% fcf yield would probably be a "buy" all else equal in this tape. i'm not going to play this, similar to DECK - same "vein" of thinking/ name here (though i prefer brands vs. sellers-of brands all else equal, even if the multiple is 50% more expensive). gl to the holders, will be rooting you on in this as well.

