Starbucks Corporation

SBUX Long Call Price Prediction

I have created trend lines to show a future prediction of Starbucks stock price, with expectations that SBUX will beat Q4 earnings.
SBUX bottomed out where I expected, hopefully this is the true bottom. I am 3 for 4 in my predictions or 75% correct based on my forecast. I am betting big on SBUX I have 50 calls for $105 by 11/15. So buy those lattes and help a fellow investor out!
9/24 Update- This is my original SBUX prediction and it looks like it hit rock bottom as predicted. I was lucky enough to purchase an additional 15 contracts bringing me up to 65 contracts, these are calls for $105 by 11/15. I am counting on steady growth and a smashing Q4 report, Not only exceeding EPS expectations, but laying out plans for 2020 in their conference call/ investor meeting,

