
SERBA DYNAMIK (SERBADK) - Failing Knife of 2021

Alot of people attempt to bottom fish this stock that is mired with controversy with its auditor, KPMG who refuse to certify the audits.

The stocks lost BILLIONs of market cap in just a short timeframe.

For me, this stock is something i would not touch. MYX:SERBADK

SerbadiK proceeded to :
a) Sue KPMG for the negligence of flagging auditing issues to SC
b) Change new chairman, elected a few new independent Directors
c) A few of the existing independent Directors resigned due to the disagreement to the Board's direction to sue KPMG
d) Elected the same defense lawyer for our ex-PM. Heavy gun to the rescue.

From what i read, this company is famous for write issues and private placements something i don't really like due to my unpleasant encounter with one laggard stock.

This laggard stock at one point hit RM500 Million in market cap, at that time making a hot spotlight, but soon faded out of oblivion.
One of their favorite corporate actions is doing MULTIPLE RELATED THIRD PARTY transactions (RPT) with one of their major unlisted shareholders. The shareholders always seems to be unloading their own property & land (of course at certain premium) to the listed entity which i deemed to be no so profitable.

This information only serves as reference information and does not constitute a buy or sell call. Conduct your own research and assessment before deciding to buy or sell any stock

