Sigma Lithium Corporation

Nice to watch

In few words, the company has negative cash flow + negative EBITDA + Market Cap/Total Assets = 24 times
from the otherhand, the growth estimation for next quarter is 74%, next year 1400%.

The CEO estimated production to start in Q4, with the new mine estimated at $5,1 billion.

At this level, the stock looks a very promicing short idea, will rank it to neutral for now until we get the news in December.

*Not financial advice
I was looking into this company for the last couple of days, seems Institutional Investors are heavily accumulating the stocks.
However, the company mining site looks like .... nothing to mining site ...
these are the coordinates i have found: 16°44'02.3"S 41°53'19.5"W

Can someone pls with Google Earth check the date of the images ?
I was wondering how $150M company on paper can worth over $3Billions in this short time by finding a lithium mine and starting the production is less then a year ?

