Silver is a safe investment and it can help to protect the portfolio against inflation and economic uncertainty.
I do expect a deep crash in US market in the near future and in the light of that view, I believe that it is time to add silver to the portfolio. I'm more interested in Silver over gold because it moves more than gold in terms of percentage.
I also expect immense potential for silver over time. Having hit record highs in 2021 and 2022, silver's industrial off-take is expected to strengthen further by 2.6 percent y/y to 550 million ounces (Moz) in 2023. Silver's industrial demand is highly likely to be lifted due to the vehicle electrification, and governments' expanding commitment to green infrastructure in the coming years.
Looking forward to add silver when it reaches either of the two inflection points mentioned. The position will be added in SILVERBEES.
Will update the entry level and more details underneath.