
Skycoin approaching critical resistance

Sky has been trading near and has broken into the $2 range several times recently. There is a critical point of resistance between $2 and 2.25 and again around 3-3.14. There is an announcement scheduled for the end of June that I am hoping helps it break through one or both of these points of resistance. Also charted is the BTC price, which as many coins have followed the run up, this one has to a degree but not really found the traction that some of the other projects have. If this coin starts trading stronger against BTC, this one may catch some solid price action and move into the $4-5 range.

I found out about this project when I came across a Skyminer in an AirBNB. After doing a fair amount research I began to shift my holdings until Sky is now roughly 1/3 of my crypto portfolio. This month they have been releasing news each week building up to what appears to be an announcement at the end of the month. Ref: twitter.com/Skycoinproject

This project has in the past taken a technology first approach. The good old "build it and they will come strategy". As well, they are more focused on hardware than any crypto project I have come across and implementing a business model similar to Apple or IBM. They have many software in hardware projects in R&D at the same time.

For those interested, here is an extensive interview with the Synth, Skycoins lead developer: youtu.be/vRZKh4GJEBs
Sky is again flirting with the $2 whole number resistance. The technicals show 2.25 as an important historic level that was the last level of support before final bear market drop. A breakout towards $3 seems imminent at this point.
More recent chart:
Skycoin Current Analysis
SKYSKYBTCSupport and Resistance
