
Huge Harmonics

2 559
Big W structures are all over the market.

Harmonics are probably the most useful thing I know in terms of accurately predicting the important inflection points in markets. When there are harmonic reversals, they tend to come in essentially right on the nose (with a bit of stop hunting) and the failure of harmonics as a reversal is typically a strong trend continuation formation.

I love it when big harmonics set up because I almost always make money. Sometimes I make money in the reversal, sometimes I make money in the breakout - and I am equally happy with either one.

Unless I have extremely good reason to fade the harmonics, I'll tend to default to betting on the reversal. Few reasons for this. One is I love to trade asymmetrical RR and harmonic reversals always offer this. Second is harmonics will often at least fake a reversal and give scope to get stops into even and freeroll the reversal.

Finally, I somewhat feel harmonic reversal trades are "Free to lose" because 90% of the time I'm going to make between three to seven times what I lose when I see the pattern has failed and flip bias.

When big harmonics form, big decisions are made. At this point I basically consider this to be a Law of the market. Generally agnostic on if it will be up or down, but strongly expect it will pivotal decision.

Here's a dump of massive harmonics.









They are ... everywhere.

Something exciting is going to happen. I find it essentially impossible there this big a confluence of harmonic patterns and something spectacular does not follow.


So much nasty coming if it turns out these big harmonics are actionable.

Real test time for them now.

