The purpose of this chart is to show how retirement funds are drained once returns reach 20%.
The reason this happens is because the purpose of the 401(k) is to prevent working people from ever reaching anything that resembles financial independence.
From the time we begin our careers to the time that we reach retirement age, we are CONSTANTLY told that if we do NOT use the 401(k), we are "leaving free money on the table".
But look at the chart.
The reality is: retirement funds get drained, people lose their life savings ('08), and big institutional funds (supposedly fiduciaries) get bailed out, WHILE YOU LOSE EVERYTHING YOU WORKED TO BUILD.
All I'm saying is: if you work with a "financial professional", you have a right to ask questions. You have a right to seek answers. You have a right to know what THEIR plan is for YOUR money.
Look at the S&P 500.
Ask your advisor: What causes these massive drops? Why does this occur? Am I protected?
I will build on this in my subsequent chart publishing.