1999-2000 and 2020-2021 compared:
No, I dont want to wright that the next crash is coming and we are all dead. I just want you to have look in these charts and- let it work on you.
Last days, SPX was trending above the trendline. We are currently seeing high volatility that is usually associated with fear.
I deliberately don't want to talk about WSB and the shortsellers here, but in 1999 we saw same big drops before the big sell off. And there was the same greed (GME) and for no reason.
For your trading, have this in your mind. Normaly, high vola is usefull for optiontraders and for those, who want to take stocks a little bit cheaper.
I know, there is much money in the market and the USD is on bottom which is good to buy stocks.
History does not have to repeat itself but can repeat itself (and sometimes it can take some time).
Good luck for your trading.