
SPY Oct 2018 trend/Fibonacci

So today was a nice day for bulls. I messed up and let a 55% winner turn into a 30% loser. Why because mentally I wasn’t there, I had a bad night didn’t sleep, stomach all messed up then the alarm goes off and I’m still hurting had to go to work didn’t want to be there. Head in a fog all day. I open up the market 30 minutes in and see the high so I buy puts run it down I tell myself I want 100% so I can feel better about myself, get distracted a bam loser never came back. Know I feel like crap and talk myself out of buying calls and chasing. This is why you need to check yourself, if we don’t feel right don’t force a trade just to trade. Still ended the week green. I am excited to do the Fibonacci video this weekend please leave any questions below. Todays chart is something I’ve thought about a lot I started trading in 2018 I remember how bad that year was. This trend line is strong and we are going to cross it along with the high to low fib 420+ next week. Hope you guys and gals had a green week enjoy your weekend have a drink for me since I quit drink 2 years ago. Be safe out there. As always trade what’s in front of you
