
SWN Elliot Wave analysis

SWN is a naturalgas play. SWN value is based on the naturalgasprice. Naturalgas is at a very low price due to becoming less popular and covid-19. Demand has been declining for some time now. When naturalgas price is low it isn't efficient for companies like SWN to extract gas because it will be less profitable. There is always demand for naturalgas so at some point demand > supply. When this happens the price of naturalgas will "naturally" go up. Also when covid restrictions dissapear, demand of naturalgas will increase, which will raise the price of naturalgas. Basic supply and demand ... SWN will greatly profit from this turnaround and I think the move has already started.

Pricetarget shortterm (Q3/4 2021) $12-15
Pricetarget longterm N/A. Depends on how high naturalgas price can rise and for how long it can stay at a high price. Longer and higher the price > more profit for SWN .


