
Triple Bottom, Bullish Divergence.

Key Takeaways
A triple bottom is a visual pattern that shows the buyers (bulls) taking control of the price action from the sellers (bears).
A triple bottom is generally seen as three roughly equal lows bouncing off support followed by the price action breaching resistance.
The formation of triple bottom is seen as an opportunity to enter a bullish position.

A divergence appears when a technical indicator (usually an oscillator) begins to establish a trend that disagrees with the actual price movement.

Oscillators are most useful and issue their most valid trading signals when their readings diverge from prices. A bullish divergence occurs when prices fall to a new low while an oscillator fails to reach a new low. This situation demonstrates that bears are losing power, and that bulls are ready to control the market again—often a bullish divergence marks the end of a downtrend.

Bearish divergences signify potential downtrends when prices rally to a new high while the oscillator refuses to reach a new peak. In this situation, bulls are losing their grip on the market, prices are rising only as a result of inertia, and the bears are ready to take control again.
