
Total cryptomarket about to launch

Cryptomarket has just recently broken ATH levels and the trend seems to be stronger than ever. The risk for take-win transactions to start is alive but there seem to be no indications in the market for such activity. Traders are transferring money into crypto and "smart-money" sees every day more interest in the market. An example of this is recently launched crypto ETFs. Largest asset manager on earth, BlackRock has taken positions in the crypto market which indicates a positive perspective about crypto, from the company which is managing the largest investment portfolios in existence. If that is not a sign of a bright future, then I don't know what is. This sounds utterly optimistic, which is always bad thinking for an investor, investors should always focus on the down-side risk and hedge potential losses.

In the big picture, I think investors should hold crypto-positions but be aware of risks and hedge them accordingly.

