Dotcom compared to today's Cryptocurrency Market - Watch Out!
An online survey of 1,338 Americans by Money Magazine in 1999 found that nearly one-tenth of dot-com investors had at least 85% of their money in internet stocks. Everyone, everywhere was daytrading dot-com stocks in late 1999. According to the Intelligent Investor, what many people feared was bumping into somebody at a barbecue who was getting even richer even quicker by daytrading dot-com stocks than they were.
CNBC published the following headline on April 9th, 2021: Investors have put more money into stocks in the last 5 months than the previous 12 years combined. I was stunned by this. $569 billion has flowed into global equity funds in a period of only 5 months, compared with $452 billion going back to the beginning of the 2009-2020 bull market. Unadjusted to inflation, this equals to a 24x times shorter period!
An online survey of 1,338 Americans by Money Magazine in 1999 found that nearly one-tenth of dot-com investors had at least 85% of their money in internet stocks. (src: The Intelligent Investor)
In a survey conducted in a FB group with over 250k members by me, 71% of the candidates said they have more than 85% of their total investing portfolio fund allocated to cryptocurrencies. The second most voted answer accounted for 10% of the candidates having 6 - 10% of their portfolio allocated to cryptocurrencies. The FB cryptocurrency investing group grew from 37.5k group members in March, 2020 to around 250k currently. Representing an increase of 570% in users.
Out of the data above we can conclude the average newcomer to cryptocurrencies isn't safely diversfied in different asset classes.
In a more anonymous survey, almost 60% of candidates admitted they have between $1,000 and $10,000 invested in cryptocurrencies. 8% of candidates had less than $1,000 invested whereas a same percentage had $50,000 or more invested. See Graph: How much money people have invested in cryptocurrencies
The following Medium article dates back to May 8th, 2018, 4 years ago: 12 Graphs That Show Just How Early The Cryptocurrency Market Is. It predicted the evolution of the cryptocurrency market partially with the beginning stage of the dotcom bubble. The article was a success and scored well on the accuraccy of the overall predictions.
On January 2022, we could witness bearish action as we enter a new 4-year cycle if we divide Bitcoin's cycles by longterm bearmarkets on the logarithmic scale: